Hello readers
we have been doing in our class .probability it's this piece that you had to scale up how much they do up and down there's a one on the lift up to 15 .and that's called the feet and at the bottom at the exact same piece but it's at the bottom it's called time seconds and every time there's like somebody like bench pressing and they go down that's. one sickened so they keep on doing it and then when I got struggled has more time and then they bring it back up and then they do it and slow mo so you can actually see it again when you've done the app you see how good it is and you go down from 3 and go back up there you go down again me go back up you go down and then you take the line and then you keep on doing Lainie. bring it up and then go up to number 7 that's how the probability works it's a scale that's what I've drawn right here I put some colours into it and we had a wheel and when use the wheel so it could be better and then we do colours and we can see how much colours are there and when you have the colours you see what colour is the probability of winning That's all for today I hope you have a great weekend I'll .be back by