
Friday, November 5, 2021

gingerbread man

Hello readers,myself Keri and some other children are going to be baking some gingerbread man . I had to search for the ingredients. I then had to go To the countdown Page and find the price Of each ingredient. lastly I had to write the price of the ingredients. The gingerbread men I drew some m and m'
s. In the end I hope to eat the gingerbread man that I have baked .

These are the ginger bread men that I designed and have drawn m and ms on them.

Friday, October 29, 2021

Hello readers . Mrs MclachIan gave me a puzzle frame.I am posting this  so I can tell you how excited I am about how I completed a puzzle box.I separated  the puzzle  pieces  from the frame . Then I started to go up, then I had 1 more puzzle piece but I didn't know if it fit. Then it fit and I was excited because I completed the puzzle I hope you love my post.


Monday, September 27, 2021

Welcome to Hippo spicy restaurant it's spicy

Hello readers Welcome to Alex's restaurant we Cell the hottest things in every country and if you don't want hot stuff we have normal stuff I hope you come and see what my shift does the end

The worm apple

 hello readers I've done a worm coming out of an apple and it looks really cool I hope you Siri there's with other friends the End

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Hello readers Here's some items that you say
in Maori differently I hope you like it

Thank you for Listening to me

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Underwater Olympics

I was ready to go into the water to do the 110 metre race underwater. I dived in and I found the race so I started it and it was pretty hard at the beginning.   Then I pushed myself and I was jumping over the road Blox but it was so hard because I was under water and all the water was crashing on me it was hard to breathe. It was really dense and I couldn't see that well it  was dark and it was so hard to find where the track then they put on a little bit of light down went to the water and then we could see. I finished first place.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Finding our way in Hornby

 WALT use directions.

I really enjoyed this activity because it i interesting to know the directions to go and you won't get lost.


Hello readers this is about the swamp life that we're to do and our class help you like it He arrived at the surface of the water and took a refreshing breath of air. Whilst keeping his body completely still, he glanced around the swamp with large, circular, green eyes.

After several moments, he slipped his enormous body beneath the surface of the water once again, and slithered off in search of food…

Swamp Life 

My name is Joseph the crocodile. I poked my head up and then I went back down and swam across the murky water and crawled out and into another pond and I caught some fish in my jagged teeth and grabbed them in my claws and didn’t let them go. Then I went back to my dark abyss where I live with my family and we opened the fish up and took the bones out so we could eat them.  

I was swimming in the swamp and then I found my friend Jack. Jack said he had just escaped Ramon the mysterious crocodile 19 minutes ago. So we came back with all the crocodiles to try and take him down. Ramon the crocodile was sneaky and was behind us and one by one he started to take out our crocodile friends and family.

I hope you like my story

Monday, August 2, 2021



The time that I need to be resilience as when I had to go and get my bed but I can have to go in there don't want I tried and I got up 

Monday, June 14, 2021

yellow spotted lizard

Hello ridos today you been doing the yellow spotted lizard from holes it's a movie and a book and eating about the book and we're gonna do the movie after we read the book and then we're doing holes we had this holes folder and go and put a whole stuff in it and women not finished the whole stuff we finished it off and then it looks pretty cool here's one thank you for reading this

Thursday, May 27, 2021

How to make a Hot chocolate

Hello readers,

It's been a long time since I posted on my blog. We have been practicing

procedure writing. This is how to make a hot chocolate.

Hot chocolate instructions


A medium sized coffee cup, 

A teaspoon 

Ajug to boil the water.


Chocolate powder, 


Boiling water 



  1. First, you pour the milk in the cup up to just under ½ way. 

  2. Then you put the chocolate with the milk in the cup.  

  3. Then you get the boiling water and pour it in with the milk and the chocolate powder.

  4. Stir it with the teaspoon.

  5. Add 4 small marshmallows then push down in to the hot chocolate with the spoon, Take out the spoon.

  6. Drink your hot chocolate but be careful not to burn your mouth.. 

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

car animation


Hello readers

It's Alex and I think you will love this second 

animation of another car and I put 

I different ending Bye 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Fishy animation

Hello readers
it's me back again if you saw the last blog post it's about fishy animation and I think you're like it because I change the colours of the fish so they won't match a lot and I did it at the right precise time every time and I think you're love this one as well by

Car animation

Hello readers

it's Alex here I made a car animation and I think you will love it and I made it the car transparent because then you can actually see better and I made another one but I will show you on a different blog after this one I publish OK bye

Monday, March 29, 2021

Hello readers
we have been doing in our class .probability it's this piece that you had to scale up how much they do up and down there's a one on the lift up to 15 .and that's called the feet and at the bottom at the exact same piece but it's at the bottom it's called time seconds and every time there's like somebody like bench pressing and they go down that's. one sickened so they keep on doing it and then when I got struggled has more time and then they bring it back up and then they do it and slow mo so you can actually see it again when you've done the app you see how good it is and you go down from 3 and go back up there you go down again me go back up you go down and then you take the line and then you keep on doing Lainie. bring it up and then go up to number 7 that's how the probability works it's a scale that's what I've drawn right here I put some colours into it and we had a wheel and when use the wheel so it could be better and then we do colours and we can see how much colours are there and when you have the colours you see what colour is the probability of winning That's all for today I hope you have a great weekend I'll .be back by

Friday, March 12, 2021


Hello readers, its me Alex.

I am here today to tell you that I have done some Cybersmart. We were learning about what to do when you are on Meet. Here is slideshow of it.

Thank you for listening. Please comment below.
Hello readers this is our art and we had to make a Blog a Btaot it classroom on names we had to colour went to pencils scissors Glue and a piece of paper and where the right owning and then we colour it in and Colour the outside then we cut it up and grab another piece of paper then glue it until like the exact same position but miss them up and then Are you going to show the teacher

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Hello readers welcome back the blog post that you're about to watch is about a story that's called Always great never late

Friday, February 26, 2021


Hi readers,

I have been doing some cybersmart and this is a little bit of a cybersmart lesson. We had to do some questions and answer them correctly and put the word into the sentence. The point of the lesson was to know how to keep our chromebook safe.

Here are my Cybersmart pictures:

Thank you for reading.

Monday, February 22, 2021

My mask

Hello Readers,

This is a blog post about our mask. That we did in our classroom it's about us and we had to draw ourselves and when we drew ourselves. we opened it and then we had to draw half of our body as well so I mean you give you the top of our head and you can see the bottom part off when you open it and when you've done that. you like you had to draw with pencil then you felt pen it with a black pen I mean felt pen you like rabbits like room with a black lines are so so you can get the pencil out and leave the backflip in there and when the vault pins only there you can't let you off self and the like picture but .underwear like your neck you put every single thing that's about you and when you've done that you like her later and then you like rabbits with the exact same black felt pen then you rub it out then you cover the entire like background can you tell you mask when you're doing it with a pencil. so you do it with a pencil for us any like any physique and then that you like and then draw with the black felt pen you've done that you can like Robert out and then you colour like your mask of stuff everything your face like the stuff about you the background then your mask and we get stuff when you've done that you are like you go and you tell you to teacher that you're finished. 

Friday, February 19, 2021

What is maths?

Hi Everyone.
In Room 9 for maths, we looked through magazines and chose a picture. We then had to work out what the maths in the picture airt i hop you lilk it

Thursday, February 18, 2021

noticing number

Hello readers,

I've been doing in my class they've been doing about blocks and we did these axes and where to see how big the blocks are. The first one was it a 1 .block and the second one we did it a little bit bigger. I was a 2 block and we did .another one that's a blue block and I did all of those but I got to do a 7 block.

Thank you for Listening to my blog .